Small buisness open sign

How Free Employment Screening Can Help You Get Back to Business: 5 Ways ShareAble for Hires Can Help Reopen Your Doors

Across the nation, small business owners are restarting the economy by opening their doors. More than three months after states required restaurants, offices, and retail businesses to close due to the pandemic, businesses are reopening.

To successfully get back to business, companies are scrambling to bring back team members and hire new employees. According to the US Chamber of Commerce, more than half (55%) plan to rehire or bring on workers in the coming months.

It’s clear that many organizations are already beginning to hire back up, as 2.5 million jobs were added to the United States economy in May—a welcome change after a record 20.5 million jobs were lost the month prior.

However, despite this positive gain, many Americans are still left looking for work, as the unemployment rate currently holds steady at 13.3 percent.

monthly unemployment rate in the u.s. may 2019-may 2020

Because the workforce has become saturated with job seekers, hiring managers have plenty of applicants from which to choose. However, in these challenging times, small business owners need to make sure they’re not only hiring quickly but also hiring the right team to get back on track.

For the millions of small businesses tackling how to reopen, ShareAble for Hires employment screening is now FREE* until July 31, 2020.

Remember that this material is intended to provide you with helpful information and is not to be relied upon to make decisions, nor is this material intended to be or construed as legal advice. You are encouraged to consult your legal counsel for advice on your specific business operations and responsibilities under applicable law. Trademarks used in this material are the property of their respective owners and no affiliation or endorsement is implied.

Here are five ways ShareAble for Hires helps you open your doors now with your best new hires in place: 

1. Avoid Fees When Screening Employees on a Tight Budget

Pandemic-related regulations have severely impacted business owners, and small businesses in particular have felt the hit. Government restrictions on business activity over the last few months have left many small businesses struggling to get by; for many, the toll was too great. In fact, according to the Washington Post, over 100,000 small businesses have closed permanently.

However, millions of other small businesses that were able to weather the storm are working diligently to get back on track. According to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, as of June 2020, 79% of small businesses are either partially or fully open.

As you make moves to reopen, don’t let costly screening services hinder your ability to bring on great employees. Traditional background check screening solutions can cost hundreds of dollars, with set-up and subscription fees hidden in the fine print.

Some require upfront charges just to access to their tools. This is in addition to paying for your first transaction. Other services may charge expensive subscription fees or have volume commitments or minimums. Plus, many solutions put you through time-consuming approval processes before you can even start screening.

With ShareAble for Hires, there are never any hidden fees – only straightforward pricing that allows you to screen employees, whenever you need to.

Now, for a limited time, ShareAble for Hires employment screening is FREE* for 100% of small US businesses. Screen now and be able to make that hiring decision on the spot with FREE* employment background checks until July 31, 2020.

2. Hire Employees Faster with Quick Screening

In the wake of the pandemic, employers—and the people they hire—are having to act on a moment’s notice. As shelter-in-place restrictions are lifted throughout the country, business owners are working quickly to get their daily operations back up and running—keeping your business afloat may mean making same-day decisions.

When you need to hire someone now, but want reliable screening reports, you can’t wait around on traditional background checks. These slow, cumbersome services can take days or weeks to process; in the meantime, you go without the staff needed to open your doors.

When you’re ready to screen your next hire, ShareAble is ready to streamline the process. Unlike other screening services, ShareAble is designed with small businesses in mind and for free sign-up for access to near-instant background screening tools.

With TransUnion reports delivered within minutes, you can screen your next job applicant anytime, anywhere.

With ShareAble for Hires there are no hurdles to start the process

You get an online background check tool available for use right away.

  • No waiting period
  • No paperwork
  • No phone calls
  • No set-up fees
  • No hassles

ShareAble for Hires gives you the reports you need within minutes, no credentialing required. After creating a free account, simply provide your job applicant’s email address. The job applicant verifies their identity and documents permission to share, and TransUnion provides you with immediate access to the applicant’s reports.  

With comprehensive access to background checks, credit history, and identity verification reports, you can make a hiring decision within minutes, allowing you to onboard the help you need today.

3. Get Compliant Reports That Help You Hire with Confidence

As a small business owner, you likely have more on your plate now than ever before. Assembling the right team is no small feat, and the hiring process requires close attention to detail.

As you vet your next hire, it’s essential to ensure your practices follow federal guidelines. Because background checks are generally considered “consumer reports,” as reflected in this Federal Fair Credit Reporting Act summary, they are strictly regulated.

Remaining compliant with the law throughout the background screening process is crucial for your business avoiding litigation and resulting / other consequences.

ShareAble for Hires offers FCRA-compliant reports that follow state and federal consumer reporting regulations. You can trust that the information you receive about your job applicant was shared only with their consent, and that we’ve scoured numerous databases to ensure you get the accurate data.

4. Enjoy Access to Screening Services for All Small Businesses

ShareAble for Hires is the only screening tool of its kind and as available generally for use by all small businesses. Unlike other screening solutions, there’s no waiting period or qualification process to start screening; if you own a small business, you can access background checks from anywhere, at any time.

When you sign up for ShareAble, there are:

  • No subscription obligations
  • No paperwork delays
  • No sign-up fees or hidden costs
  • No time-consuming, back-office requirements

ShareAble was built with small businesses in mind; you can access the information you need immediately—no need to apply or check your eligibility for employment screening. Our near-instant background check reports allow employers to review an applicant’s screening results without delay, so you can hire when you need to hire.

5. Enables Trust and Transparency

When it comes to hiring, employer-applicant trust is crucial. To help make trust possible in the moment, ShareAble helps ensure personal information is shared with both the prospective employer and the applicant. The applicant can review exactly what the employer sees in the results of the background check. This helps provide transparency in hiring.

Transparency in the screening process ensures that all applicants can safely and confidently share, verify and protect sensitive personal data that must be evaluated by prospective employers. With ShareAble, the applicant is in complete control of when they share their data and who they share it with.

ShareAble’s “push” process puts the power of personal information into the hands of the applicant. The prospective hire explicitly consents to share their data. They receive an invitation to be screened and agree to the background check. Reports are then shared so you can gain important insights for hiring the best people possible.


ShareAble enables trust and transparency through the hiring process


The applicant knows exactly what personal information is being shared with the potential employer. This helps bring transparency into the hiring process.

When the job applicant authorizes the sharing of their information, it acts as consent to screen—the person becomes the steward of their own personal data. This enables prospective employers to access reports sooner than the traditional background check process. This “consumer push” process used by ShareAble helps expedite your screening. You can make a hiring decision the same day, and job seekers can get to work sooner.

ShareAble employment screening reports are sent to both applicant and screener, so your prospective hire can review exactly what you see in the results of their background and credit check. This provides your job applicants peace of mind that their sensitive information is shared only with their prospective employer.

Strong Screening Leads to a Stronger Reopening

Small businesses shouldn’t have to jump through hoops to gain access to an employment screening tool.

ShareAble is designed to be fast and efficient. Other screening solutions may prevent access to information because you have a “home-based business” or you might be late on taxes. But ShareAble is designed with small businesses in mind and to provide immediate access for SMBs. No paperwork to start. No review to determine your eligibility to use ShareAble. No calling in to verify your information. No waiting to begin your first transaction. No hassle to create an account.

To help support hardworking small business owners across the nation, TransUnion is offering ShareAble for Hires background checks for FREE* for a limited time, so you can open sooner and help people get back to work.

Take advantage of this FREE* employment screening, create your account online now and start running background checks immediately.

ShareAble for Hires.
Helping small businesses make big decisions.™


*Background Check Basic and Plus Packages are free. Background Check Pro is $10 (a $50 value). Offer valid through July 31st, 2020. Terms and conditions may apply.

The information posted to this blog was accurate at the time it was initially published. We do not continue to guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information provided. The information contained in the TransUnion Rental Screening Services, Inc. blog is provided for educational purposes only and does not constitute legal or financial advice. You should consult your own attorney or financial adviser regarding your particular situationFor complete details of any product mentioned, visit This site is governed by the TransUnion Rental Screening Privacy Policy Privacy Notice located at TransUnion Rental Screening Solutions, Inc. Privacy Notice | TransUnion.